Friday, May 23, 2008

Everyday in May #23

So far so good :) This is another study with the orange, only this time I messed around with the shading method and retried the watercolour pencils. I figured out part of my problem with the pencils was simply that the orange does not blend very well :-o

There are three pictures here, one large one with some ink contour shading (or an attempt LOL) and watercolour pencils, one ink with contour shading and one pencil sketch. The pencil sketch came about because I was having issues figuring out values in my contour shading and cross hatch sketch. The pencil drawing helped me figure it out somewhat :D I was less than pleased with the initial ink sketch (top right) and used the pencil drawing to figure out the values for it. Then what I learned, I used in the colourised picture on the left. The addition of some yellow and green watercolours seemed to help those pencils blend better this time, when I added water!


  1. I've been enjoying your studies of oranges and different media, and especially your analysis of what works best. Thanks for sharing, and that last orange you did is fabulous!

  2. That looks pretty cool to me!! I think you're doing great!

    Come show me how to draw and "color in" so well. I have some water color pencils here somewhere...

  3. I like them. I think I like the straight pen/ink pieces more.

  4. It has been quite enlightening for me :) I loved playing around with the media and I think a few more 'studies' will be forthcoming! This was a nice subject to pick because the oranges are relatively simple to draw and I could focus on the different effects from my choice of media!

    Terri... the trick of 'colouring in' is to blend the colours and to have GOOD quality pencils ;) I found the cheaper watercolour pencils really didn't cut it! Luckily the kids love them... :o


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