I drew this for DD... I told her a story last night to calm her down... of a cool glad in the woods with fairies and toadstools...
I totally forgot about drawing on Tuesday, so with the inspiration of the seed catalogues in hand, I drew some of my garden wish-list for this year :) I hoped the number of pictures and the two page spread made up for my deficiencies in forgetting a day!
Votes on the Flickr application? Well if there were just ONE picture, I think it might be better ;) I'd have put all of these in a single post normally!I did a terrible job on this one... I was rushing too much and yet not enough... that is to say I didn't SKETCH it as I should have when rushing :/
EDM #21, draw something old, vintage or antique.
Draw your eye, and draw your mouth and journal about speaking out or holding your tongue. O.K. so I really didn't do much of the journalling part ;)
Draw something with folds. A nice washcloth was handy, so I dropped it, then drew it ;)
OK I am trying something new... Flickr is letting me post these from *their* site... I may have some tweaking to do ;)
Draw Something Square. A handy blog did the deed.
In all honesty, we don’t use it as written YET. M’Lady is just a little young, at (almost) 4, while Rebel is a little old at 8… but we use parts of it :)
The lovely art work provided has made great attention holders while I help Rebel with his schoolwork, and the math gnomes… oh those gnomes.
All our math gnome supplies. Minus one red gnome which I had to hunt out and the story binder, which Rebel has hidden.
M’Lady calls them ‘Gnomens’. The seven dwarves are now ‘gnomens’. Anything small with a beard is a ‘gnomen’. So is anything with a pointy hat. The ‘gnomens’ are played with constantly. Indeed I had to make TWO sets just so each of the kids could have one!
Rebel LIVES for the next installment of the math gnomes, running off and reading it as soon as I place it in the math gnome binder. THAT is how much he loves it. I only wish it went a little further (you know I’d write the stages for him if I could LOL).
I have plans with the botany. Like starting in spring ;) And I have saved EVERY plan these wonderful ladies have made… JUST so I can use them with M’Lady in a few years… this being right up her alley. I MAY even work on some of the lessons with her come Septemeber, when she’ll be a rising 5 and more ready for ‘schoolwork’. And then I may wait an entire other year until she is nearly 6 :) It is all dependant on her age and skill set!
Elizabeth and Katherine, this is SO appreciated in this house.Which Jane Austen Character Are You? |
![]() You are Eliza Bennett from Pride and Prejudice! Yay, you! Perhaps the brightest and best character in all of English literature, you are intelligent, lively, lovely-- in short, you are the best of company. Your only foibles are that you stick with your first impressions... and your family is quite intolerable. Take this quiz! ![]() |
It isn’t going to happen that way! Our dishwasher gave up the ghost over the weekend, and now I have to begin a new habit… that of “Kitchen Routines”. See, normally I would be loading and unloading the dishwasher. NOW I have to figure into my life, the cleaning up of the dishes. Being as we have VERY little side to devote to a draining board, we were forced to improvise with a tiny drying rack and draining board. Why? Because the dishwasher will take at least a WEEK from us ordering it to get here.
Oh well, I had wanted to work with the kitchen routine idea, I just never thought it would be like THIS.
I was somewhat inspired though, when Dawn posted her list of daily chores. I figured that I might do the same :) Some of these chores are those I am TRYING to get working ;)
Unlike Dawn, we are not early risers, being instead more Night Owls. I am in pink, DH blue, the kids are orange, and those we ALL do (or more than one of us at least) are not coloured :)
My daughter on Christmas Eve.
I loved art as a child and teen, and followed it so far, only to stop because I did not see its ‘usefulness’. Someone should have told me that a God given talent need not be on a par with the sciences in its uses, but rather be something that it is imperative to explore as far as I could.
So now I will.
I have subscribed to some art blogs, with the idea of being inspired. And I will make some art aims for the year…
My Art Aims 2008
Four simple, little aims. I think I can manage that! I’ve already started!!