Tuesday, August 21, 2007

School in our house today

This is the image of school in our house today:

In case you wondered, M'lady is eating some of this:

A yummy cheese bread from the Taste of Home magazine (an essential for homeschoolers ;))

But I digress... yes today, the kids decided they wanted to dress up. Rebel has been wearing his 'cape' for the last few days (even sleeping in it at one point). I am beginning to think I really need to hem it!
M'Lady wanted her butterfly/fairy costume. The wings can be rather cumbersome though!

Exciting news... in the mail yesterday came my The Children's Year seasonal book... more on that later.
And from another blog or group (and right now I forget which, so please forgive me) , there comes this interesting link for seasonal things. Do take it with a pinch of salt, as some of the stuff is a little over the top, but the stories and dates there are worthwhile. More about seasonal stuff later... I have some reading to catch up on :)

Today we got Elementary Greek... this latter surprised me with the vehemence that Rebel and M'lady were asking to start it with. I hope it lasts!
It looks like a great program, and it comes highly recommended (plus it was really made with homeschoolers in mind!)
So why are we beginning Greek? Rebel is already well into the latter of the two Latina Christiana books, and is really doing well with Latin. This will be his second year of Latin... traditionally the time to begin Greek. And there you go!

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