Thursday, September 11, 2008

Apples and Pears

And despite the fact that my mother is technically a cockney, I don't mean stairs :) But yes, I have heard the stairs referred to as Apples and Pears ;)

These are Asian Pears, otherwise known as Apple Pears. They look like apples and taste like very sweet, juicy pears. Delicious! They have the most marvellous texture... their skins are spotted, and they come in an array of delightfully autumnal colours. These are locally grown, and were very reasonably priced in the grocery store this week (reasonable for Asian Pears, so we only got one each ;)).
I didn't manage to capture their textured skin very well, or their golden colours. So I tried again, after drawing a lovely Ginger Gold apple.

Click to get a larger picture

The apple on the right is a beautiful yellow green. I painted it in a slapdash mode after I got annoyed at the very first Asian pear I did. I actually really like the way the colours turned out in this spread. I became dissatisfied with the apple (because it looked terrible when wet) and decided to work on capturing the colours of the pears. This time I managed it... the red-gold and the brownish gold they were (both different colours). I experimented a little with the white paint, and it didn't look too bad :) I am still not sure why there is a white watercolour paint in the box... it really should be a white gouache ;)
Then I shamelessly tried copying Susan Branch's writing. Why? Because I really like it, and I was trying to see what it was I liked. I think it is a character thing :)


  1. Lovely job! Your "haycorn" is wonderfully done, too!

  2. I love those apple/pears, a friend made me discover them, they taste wonderful! And your layouts are great, once again!


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