Monday, November 17, 2008

Daybook for Monday 17th November

To get the rest of the daybook entries, don't forget to visit Peggy over at the Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my Window
... it's FREEZING!! Finally autumn came with a vengeance and all the leaves just DROPPED off of the trees overnight. I have some pomegranates waiting to be picked, and recently planted some garlic for the spring... but most of the garden is sleeping :)

I am thinking... that it will be hard to get the kids out while it is cold!

I am thankful for... sales. I had to do some Christmas shopping for my family back in England, and those sale prices really help :)

From the learning rooms... this week I am aiming high- I want to get everything done! ;) We will have another homeschool group meeting to make Jesse tree ornaments too. Last week's was lots of fun!

From the kitchen... still trying to be healthy. I have to go set up my bean cassoulet in a minute.

I am wearing... jeans and white blouse with a gold stripe. My hair is up as usual.

I am creating... Jesse tree crafts for the kids to make, some knitted goodies and maybe an apron.

I am reading... Real Education, magazines, novels and am trying to get into Atlas Shrugged.

I am hoping... that the kids will go OUT in a minute. And that the school week works out well.

I am hearing... the kids playing.

Around the house... laundry (always lots of that on Mondays), general cleaning. We have to finish painting the kitchen too!

One of my favorite things... is a pair of warm socks on a cold day- my feet get very cold!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Jesse Tree crafts, homeschool meeting, school, reading... apparently the same as last week :)

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you

"Fall foliage" last week. I liked the contrast with the sky :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Daybook for Monday 10th November

To get the rest of the daybook entries, don't forget to visit Peggy over at the Simple Woman (she has a new DAYBOOK blog ;))

For Today...

Outside my Window
... the ground is covered with a multicoloured layer of leaves. They look like confetti!

I am thinking... that this weeks is shaping up to be hectic! I hope Nature Study Monday can be calm.

I am thankful for... family time- it makes Mondays easier to bear.

From the learning rooms... trying to make sure the basics get done- so nothing special this week :)

From the kitchen... trying to eat more healthy- DH and I put on too much weight recently and I want to nip it in the bud!

I am wearing... denim skirt with a green v-neck top. Hair up on back of my head.

I am creating... some Jesse tree crafts- I have 3 this week, 2 next and I have to make 5 kits of each!

I am reading... Real Education, some mediterranean diet food books and my usual magazines :)

I am hoping... that the kids actually get something done today and that I can get the Jesse Tree craft sorted out by Thursday!

I am hearing... music on the radio and my computer.

Around the house... laundry- as ever- and some judicial tidying up!

One of my favorite things... is seeing blue skies- we've had a lot of rain recently!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Jesse Tree crafts, homeschool meeting, school, reading...;)

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you

Handmade costumes are fun :) Yes... I knitted the chainmail!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Daybook for Monday 3rd November

To get the rest of the daybook entries, don't forget to visit Peggy over at the Simple Woman.

For Today...

Outside my Window
... we've had the first frost, the leaves are falling and the ground is carpeted with a layer of pine needles. We're in the first part of the winter stretch, and I am beginning to think about ways of prolonging the growing season. I think the discoveries I made in the garden this weekend might have helped with that ;)

I am thinking... that the kids are awfully quiet... wonder what's up?

I am thankful for... days spent in the garden. Sometimes I just need some time outside to regroup. My garden looks a lot better for it too.

From the learning rooms... trying a new technique. I am trying the circular method I saw mentioned on the Latin Centered group. Basically you make a long list, and where you stop one day you start the next. I know Rebel works better with a schedule BUT there are so many things he doesn't get done that way. Well NO MORE!! I have also moved Nature Study permanently to Mondays. This really works out well as a great beginning to the week- it is MUCH less stressful!

From the kitchen... I have soup and bread planned. I need to find some ingredients I had no luck with last week :o

I am wearing... jeans with a red striped shirt. My hair is in a ponytail- nothing fancy here today :)

I am reading... Real Education, some Mariah Stewart Novels and my usual magazines :)

I am hoping... To get some school prep done before we go for a walk. I have to print out some things!

I am hearing... the kids playing (they started making noise again ;)).

Around the house... more laundry- have to strip the kids beds and put their brand new flannel sheets on, bake the bread and tidy the kitchen.

One of my favorite things... are autumnal colours!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... start to phase in the new routine. We've been working on the no computers during school, and it has worked well, NOW I need to phase in the routines for blogging and emails etc. And school planning. I am still hoping somewhere along the line that I get a laptop to make the timing thing a little easier ;)

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you

We picked our fascinating peanuts :) These peanuts- which come from the flowers- are actually under the ground! The flower swoops down and anchors itself to the ground, before producing the pea UNDER the soil :)