To get the rest of the daybook entries, don't forget to visit Peggy over at the Simple Woman's Daybook
For Today...
Outside my Window... it's FREEZING!! Finally autumn came with a vengeance and all the leaves just DROPPED off of the trees overnight. I have some pomegranates waiting to be picked, and recently planted some garlic for the spring... but most of the garden is sleeping :)
I am thinking... that it will be hard to get the kids out while it is cold!
I am thankful for... sales. I had to do some Christmas shopping for my family back in England, and those sale prices really help :)
From the learning rooms... this week I am aiming high- I want to get everything done! ;) We will have another homeschool group meeting to make Jesse tree ornaments too. Last week's was lots of fun!
From the kitchen... still trying to be healthy. I have to go set up my bean cassoulet in a minute.
I am wearing... jeans and white blouse with a gold stripe. My hair is up as usual.
I am creating... Jesse tree crafts for the kids to make, some knitted goodies and maybe an apron.
I am reading... Real Education, magazines, novels and am trying to get into Atlas Shrugged.
I am hoping... that the kids will go OUT in a minute. And that the school week works out well.
I am hearing... the kids playing.
Around the house... laundry (always lots of that on Mondays), general cleaning. We have to finish painting the kitchen too!
One of my favorite things... is a pair of warm socks on a cold day- my feet get very cold!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Jesse Tree crafts, homeschool meeting, school, reading... apparently the same as last week :)
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you
"Fall foliage" last week. I liked the contrast with the sky :)