This year, I decided to go for a more fully, Latin Centered flavour... and although I do not yet have all the books I plan to use this year, I have most.
I have the Greek Myths and the Christian studies packages from Memoria Press. I bought them as a guide for me to follow with Rebel... and I can honestly say that, 1. there is no need to buy the student book for the kids... and 2. if you are inventive you can figure most of it out yourself. That being said, they do provide a great reading program, some good vocab and questions and some related readings and memory verses (Christian Studies). If you are interested, only buy the teacher's guide ;)
Latin will be continuing the Latina Christiana we've already started. I did take a look at Lively Latin, which looks wonderful, but we are just a little further along than that!
We will also add in Greek this year, and the progymnasmata... or creative writing course.
I hope it goes well... so far, Rebel has rather enjoyed the Greek Myths we've been reading... both the D'Aulaire's and Hawthorne's Wonder Book.

Science this year consists of our library's science section. This is actually good because we get to do a lot more interest directed stuff. So far we have studied the birds (fascinating... now both can identify most of our common feeder birds), and worked on our garden. Now Rebel is working on a space lapbook.

So now Rebel is doing his lapbook and telling me that the sun needs a new name, and that Saturn has nice rings... well at least he is reading ;)